Saturday, November 15, 2008

Coping Under Pressure

A fellow homeschooler approached me recently with the request that I do a workshop about "coping under pressure." I laughed and said, "That's easy." She looked at me a little bit surprised and I continued, "Just say 'no'... So the answer is 'no'."

When I later shared the conversation with my husband he was amused at my response and glad that I had not taken on another responsibility at this time.

I must consider my priorities carefully and not be afraid to say "no." It is easy to agree to do things and justify them spiritually. After all, I was being asked to speak on a spiritual topic! I will perhaps use this venue (my blog) to even approach the requested topic but after I get my dishes done and my kitchen cleaned up....

1 comment:

Renae said...

This made me giggle. It's so true though. As mother's and homeschoolers we have to carefully consider our commitments. I'm slowly learning to say no. The first step I took was not to commit to anything right away. I request time to think and pray about it.

Peace to you,
Life Nurturing Education